Windows 10 has just been released in a time when the overall tablet market is on a declining trend. However, according to a fresh report coming from the IDC, it seems that sales are going to increase in the next 3 years.

The overall tablet market is on a declining trend and not even the iPad can do nothing about it. Sure, Apple will most likely come up with the iPad Pro, but that oversized tablet is going to be targeting organizations, such as businesses and classrooms. While that will boost sales, it won’t appeal as much to regular consumers.

Hope for the tablet market is apparently coming from the newly released Windows 10, which is pretty much an expected move. By the end of 2019, Windows tablets are said to help increase shipments by nearly 13 percent over this year’s estimate, says IDC.

Could Windows 10 tablets put pressure on the iPad?

At the moment, Windows tablets have a market share of just 8.4 percent in 2015, accounting for 17.7 million units. However, in the next 3 years, their market share is expected to reach 17.5 percent, reaching total shipments of 41.7 million units. It makes us wonder if this will be done at the expense of the iPad or not.

IDC seems to believe otherwise, estimating that Windows 10 tablets will eat away share from Android, which is expected to see shipments decrease by the end of 2019, from 139.8 million to 135.4 million units. Apple, on the other hand, is estimated to ship a slightly increasing number of iPads by the end of 2019, from 54 million in 2015 to 61.9 million. So it seems that IDC believes it will be Android who will have to suffer.

Furthermore, it seems that the 2-in-1 segment of the market is what’s going to keep the tablet market afloat, and that’s where we can include a potential iPad Pro, as well. However, it is Windows who is most commonly associated with this type of devices. IDC’s Ryan Reith said the following:

Of course, this is just a forecast and the reality could be totally different. The iPad Pro could be a much bigger hit and people could be disappointed in Windows 10 tablets; or otherwise, Microsoft could have an unexpected success or maybe Android will keep on rising.

“In the past, the biggest challenges with 2-in-1 devices were high price points, less than appealing designs, and, quite frankly, lack of demand for Windows 8, which was the OS most devices were running. With more OEMs offering devices in this segment, prices have started to come down significantly. We estimate that over 40 different vendors shipped 2-in-1 products in the second quarter of 2015, which is up from just 14 vendors two years ago. With the launch of Windows 10, the introduction of more Android-based products, and the possibility that Apple will unveil a larger, screen-detachable iPad, this is the space to watch”

If you ask me, I am betting on the newest player in the market, which is Windows 10. Microsoft has put a lot of work into its making and I think its efforts will pay off.

READ ALSO: How to Upgrade Devices With Low Storage Space to Windows 10

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